Here is the completed sculpture, all put together! Hope you like it.
I'm still working on one more character for the "Flying Monkey Squadron", but it will be a while longer before it's done. It's going a bit slower than I expected. What can I is full. -W
Evolutionists are SO excited. At last we have the link between King Kong and the Planet of the Apes! However, the Wizard of Oz just became a whole lot scarier...
You are amazing!
Yay! More behind the scenes stuff! I'm taking notes.
Love this stuff...amazing crazy thought process going on!!!
Does he remind you of anyone???
Hugs, Lin
Evolutionists are SO excited. At last we have the link between King Kong and the Planet of the Apes! However, the Wizard of Oz just became a whole lot scarier...
You need to sell some of this stuff man, I'm in love with that monkey :)
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