Monday, July 22, 2024

SCULPTURE: "Cycloptopus"

I just finished my latest little project. This diorama was inspired by cover art for science fiction books from the 1950s. At the time, the alien creatures probably seemed a bit scary to readers. But I love the humor that is baked into that retro-future. This beast of mine is a "Cycloptopus" (I didn't come up with that it and you'll find lots of variations on that theme). And the little guy with the jet pack...he needs to look where he's walking.

Monday, June 24, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #51"

Hard to believe it's been over a month since my last "postcard". The STAR WARS theme was inspired by a joke read out loud by my grandson off of the kids menu at a restaurant in Oregon.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

SCULPTURE: "Kaiju Bull Elk"

I just finished the latest addition to my series of "Kaiju Monster Heads". This one is a GIANT BULL ELK. His special powers are Lightning Antlers that deliver an Electro-Magnetic-Pulse, as well as an Ultra-Sonic-Boom caused by his ear-piercing vocalizations. I was inspired by the movie "Kong: Skull Island", and the gigantic mutant water buffalo featured there.