Monday, June 24, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #51"

Hard to believe it's been over a month since my last "postcard". The STAR WARS theme was inspired by a joke read out loud by my grandson off of the kids menu at a restaurant in Oregon.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

SCULPTURE: "Kaiju Bull Elk"

I just finished the latest addition to my series of "Kaiju Monster Heads". This one is a GIANT BULL ELK. His special powers are Lightning Antlers that deliver an Electro-Magnetic-Pulse, as well as an Ultra-Sonic-Boom caused by his ear-piercing vocalizations. I was inspired by the movie "Kong: Skull Island", and the gigantic mutant water buffalo featured there.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #50"

I just finished a new postcard about missing the obvious. Like one time, when I was sketching a hippo at the KC zoo, and a teen-girl came up and asked me, "Are you drawing that?" as i was literally drawing it.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

SCULPTURE: "The Traveler"

Just finished "The Traveler" latest sculpture. It can now be revealed what happened to the "Unlucky Ducky"...the cause was worthy.


Monday, April 22, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard # 49"

The "How To Draw It" series continues.

 And I added some "Hot LAVA!" to my sidewalk.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #48"

Seems like only a couple days ago, I posted a new chalk "postcard". But the rains came along and washed away all the drawings my neighbor kids did in my driveway. So I thought it would be fun to continue my series on "How To Draw It". I made a template of my shark, to trace around for continuity.

It'll be a day or so for the rains to move on through. Then I'll post what the young artists do!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #47"


Here is my newest chalk postcard. This is a fun one for me, because of the conversation I had last Sunday evening as I was rolling my chalkboard into the garage. Three girls (around 11 years old) that live down the street had tons of good questions about art...but one asked if I would ever show how I draw something step by step. I told her that was a fun idea. So today...I delivered...just before we get tons of rain tonight.
Got a few drawings done by the neighbor kids. A bit tricky to see, due to shadows, and varying degrees of confidence making marks with chalk.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #46"

 Here's my latest little chalk project.

Monday, April 8, 2024

SCULPTURE: "Winged Lion Gargoyle"


Finished another sculpt...a "Winged Lion Gargoyle".



Thursday, March 28, 2024

SCULPTURE: "3 Billy Goats Gruff"

I just finished a new sculpture project that is inspired by some artwork from my past. In 1986, I participated in a "Kids Book" workshop and did 2 sketches as part of the homework. All these years later, I decided it would be fun to revive the concept with a 3D diorama of "3 Billy Goats Gruff". Kind of like what might be created for the old-school "View Master" toy.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

CHALK ART: "Postcard #45"

Thought I would share a new "postcard". Spring is so close I can smell the preemergent lawn pellets.

Sunday, March 10, 2024



I just finished a sculpture project that has been 50 years in the making...for real!! When I was 17, I made a poster of a goofy comic book hero of my own design..."CAPTAIN AARDVARK". The character was strongly influenced by Captain America, Superman, and probably Mad Magazine. Then 35 years later, I decided to play with doing a complete makeover. "The VARK" is a bit of Batman, Wolverine, and some Ninja influences thrown in. Finally...15 years after "The Vark" was updated, I have now created a 3D variation for my own amusement. I think I'm done now.