Friday, October 27, 2017

On The News Today!

I had an exciting morning! I got to be a story on the news today! KMBC Channel 9 news did a report on my chalk drawings that I do on my driveway (thanks to my daughter, Jenni, who sent in photos to them).
Reporter Keleigh Gibbs and cameraman Greg Steele came by on a very chilly day to interview me. I even did a demo and added another dinosaur skeleton to the scene.
For anyone who missed the segment tonight, click HERE to see the video on Keleigh's FaceBook page.
And if you are a new visitor to this blog, and would like to find out more about my life after losing my wife (as mentioned in the segment), here is a postcard that tells about my new book "Jewels in the Junkyard" (available on

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