Saturday, April 19, 2014

SKETCHBOOK - "Belvoir Winery"

Today, it's been 4 years since my wife, Cathy, died.  Each year at this time...well...I never quite know what to do about it.  It gets a little easier, I suppose.  The family honors Cat in their own way...but it's always an odd mix of emotions.  One of the things Cathy told me in a note she left was for me to "keep sketching".  So today...I did just that.

It just happened to be one of the monthly "sketch crawls" with a group of artists I belong to online...  the "Urban Sketchers Midwest".  Today we went to the Belvoir Winery in Liberty, Missouri.  I had never been there before.  I was thinking that the vineyard would be on the surrounding land, but wasn't.  But the place is beautiful and interesting...weddings are held there.  I'll go back, if for no other reason than to go inside.  (It was too nice outside for me to sketch indoors!)

My first sketch was done from the side of the road that leads up to the old "Odd Fellows Home" that has been turned into the winery.  The marsh just caught my eye.  Drawing at this spot also helped me avoid the hundreds of children that were just up the road having an Easter egg hunt on the grounds.
The next sketch is of one of the many sculptural elements that line the looooonnnnngggg stairway leading up to the main building.  This is the entrance to the winery.
 I tried to loosen up some on my final sketch of the day.  This is part of the older buildings that have not been restored...the "ruins", as it were.  I don't know the history of the property...I'll need to read up about it on their website.
Below is one of the last photos I have of Cathy, taken just 3 months before she passed away. I am so blessed that she was so supportive of all of my creative endeavors, and I often think of her encouragement.  Thanks for a lovely day, Cat...I miss you!


  1. Warren, what a lovely way to honor your wife. Thanks for sharing. Your artwork is amazing and I'm sure it's helpful in the healing process to be able to express yourself through painting.

  2. Dad that top one might be one of my all time favorite sketches!! Love it! So glad you were outside today. Love you! -j

  3. A beautiful way to honor your wife. Thank you for sharing.

  4. A beautiful day, and a special way to honor your wife and memories.

    I especially love the first sketch...the wonderful brown strokes (paint or ink?)...and the while sharpie marker?

    Your line work and technique on the second sketch is so effective...great contrast of positive space vs. negative!

    Nice looseness and color in the last sketch of the day. I will be looking forward to your future visits to the winery!

    Easter Blessings to you and your family. Tell your Mom hello for me!

  5. Oh, I agree...the first sketch is outstanding.....a complete finished lovely piece...reflections in the water and all of the detail...gorgeous....
    Glad you were out today...hope it all went as well as it

  6. <3, love to you for loving your wife, loving life and the art of painting and drawing the things you do! Greetings from Oijen, the Netherlands

  7. Loved all the sketches and your writing talent is to be much admired---very expressive as is your work..that first one looks like you took the scene and placed it in your sketchbook..kerplunk...well, not quite that way...but so beautiful---ad the place remands me of the CIA (Culinary Institute of Art)....near the Hudson River..once a Monastery..and a similar type building...I can remember happy times with my mother, but it took years to feel the joy and laugh...everybody has their ways etc...

  8. Sorry for your loss Warren, your wife was obviously taken from you way too soon as she looks so young and full of life in the photo of her you shared. What a great way to remember your lovely bride.

  9. She was so beautiful...I miss her too.

  10. Beautiful sketches! Love the reflections in the water. That was a wonderful way to spend the day and remember Cathy.
