Saturday, September 21, 2013

SKETCHBOOK: "Plaza Art Fair"

Today, I had a blast at the Plaza Art Fair in Kansas City. Now anyone who knows me very well, is aware that I do not like crowds.  However, instead of just wandering around looking at all the artist's booths (which I did enjoy doing), I decided to MAKE some art.  Somehow that changed how I was seeing everything...I was in "the zone" and looking for then next thing to draw, instead of feeling overwhelmed with all the people.  Sketched for about 5.5 hours!  
It was a gorgeous morning when I did the sketch above.  I was walking out of the garage where I had just parked my car, and saw the view looking down the steep hill. I just set up my little stool on the sidewalk and began to sketch.  As usual, lots of folks stopped by and wanted to watch for a bit.  Several asked if I had a booth set up in the fair...and were surprised when I said I just did the sketches for fun.  I don't mind chatting with folks...I can handle crowds if it's only a couple of folks at a time!  :)
The sketch below was of Brush Creek and the main stage for the bands.  It was not supposed to be divided in the middle. I had meant to put all of the scene in the upper box.  But my drawing was "off" in scale from the start.  I hated to lose the nice shadows under the I just drew in another box and completed the scene.
The rest of the time was spent "people watching".  It was quite a challenge to capture a sketch...most people kept moving.  A couple of artisans were sitting on stools, though, and that helped.
The last page below was of some of the musicians there. The Art Fair has three stages at strategic locations.  The drawing in the middle was of the "acoustic" stage...five gals in that band.  The same drummer was playing with a jazz trio later in the day on the main stage.  I set up in several spots to catch various views.  The bass player was the most fun to draw...he got the most sketches on the page.
It was a terrific day.  I might go back on Sunday, just to listen to some more great music.  Who knows...I might even sketch!

UPDATE!  I need to add one more sketch to this post.  Tonight I went to hear "Sante Fe and the Fat City Horns" (all the way from Las Vegas)!  One of the most outstanding bands I've ever heard!!!  They were playing at the Johnson County Community College Performing Arts Series.  I did a quick sketch of their instruments about 20 minutes before showtime (from the front row).  Then I got most of the guys in the band to sign the drawing after the performance.  Such great way to end the day!!!!


  1. Super Ludstuff! Glad you were able to get so much done..great variety! Mom

  2. Nice dad! Glad you had fun at the art fair :) - J
