Saturday, April 6, 2013

SKETCHBOOK: "Before the Concert"

Last night, I got to witness the incredible show, "STOMP" at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.  Simply outstanding!!  I love music...all kinds of music. Which brings me to this post of some recent drawings I've done while waiting for concerts to begin.  This all began last year, when I decided to take my sketchbook along to a concert to "pass the time".  Now I purposely arrive WAY before a show will start, just so I can draw the venue.  I may run out of adjectives to describe the performances. They have all been of supreme quality!  Kansas City is a great place for the ARTS and I want to keep experiencing more of it!!  (In the sketch above, that's me in the lower right corner, in the box seats.)

Below are a couple more sketches while waiting inside the KCPA. An amazing was my first time to see a performance there.

The next trio of drawings were done on March 18th before seeing my favorite band in the whole universe...YES!!!  They were performing at the Midland awesome historic building that I would love to explore and draw more of another time.  The interior was very dimly lit, so the details are quite loose.  Terrific concert!! (And a shout-out to fellow YES-fans, Amanda and friendships that came about as a direct result of watching me sketch!)

These last two were drawn at the Johnson County Community College.  The one below was done while waiting for an extremely fun concert of The California Guitar Trio joining forces with the Montreal Guitar Trio in early March.  It was fun to add people into the scene as they arrived.
And finally, the sketch that started it all...again at JCCC for the Performing Arts Series.  This was drawn last year in March, while waiting to hear "Ukulele Master" Jake Shimabukuro.  This one-man-show brought down the house! He was so generous to the fans waiting to speak to him after the show.  I even got him to sign my sketch!
Okay that's it for now...ON WITH THE SHOW!


  1. Super sketches. Do you like the white paper? Getting to be a theater critic, going to all of these neat places. Hope you can go back to some and draw more. Mom

  2. I like these sketches so much. Always wanted to see STOMP, but haven't made it as yet. I'm glad to hear it's a good show!

  3. Thanks, Anonymous Mom! :) And yes, I definitely will continue with the concert circuit!

    And "pedalpower"...absolutely go see "STOMP" if you get a chance! I had seen a couple of dvds of their performance...but LIVE is just so much more fun! They really play with the audience!

  4. Your sketches and thoughts have brought back some good memories for me. YES has been my favorite band but I have not followed them. Think I still have an 80's concert T stashed away. Wish I had known they were in town and that you were a fan. Would have asked to tag along with you and sing my heart out. Do do do do do do do do do.....

  5. Just in case I confused you with my "Do do do.... " reference - The song was "I've seen all good people"

  6. Ha! Glad to know there's another YES fan out there! However...since you are "anonymous", I'm not sure I would have saved you a seat. (And then there's that matter of a ticket...I snagged one as soon as I heard that YES was coming to town.) Hopefully you have a good singing voice!
