Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Thought I'd round up a sampling of some of the sculptures I've made (since you have to dig deep into my blog to find them all).  If you want to see the step-by-step process of how I created most of them, you can click on the "Sculpture" labels at the right. (However, the PIRATE can be found under the "AUTOMATA" label.)


Next are images are of "terrain" and props that I've made for my buddies who are "gamers".  As mentioned before, you can click on the label for "Sculpture: Tabletop Gaming" to see how I made them.


  1. Awesome! I wish you had more time to post your work.

  2. Ah...time...never enough for some things, too much of it when you wish it would go faster! Thanks for the compliment. Hopefully I will be able to finish up some home-chores soon, so I can get back to making "stuff" for the blog.
