Saturday, March 17, 2012

SKETCHBOOK - "Dino Convention "

It may not seem like the most "St. Patty-ish" thing to do today, but I went to the Overland Park Convention Center to see the "Discover Dinosaurs" exhibit. I suppose if there HAD been dinos in Ireland when St. Patrick was alive, he probably would have chased them out like he did the snakes. The displays were a mixture of well-crafted animatronic, moving dinos...and then some really cheesy, badly designed sculptures. The noise levels were so over-the-top-loud, that my ears are still ringing an hour later...speakers booming the fierce growls of the dinos, and children screaming from delight (or terror). Nightmares for some of them tonight, guaranteed.


  1. Happy you had a good St. Pat's day with your old buddies the dinosaurs...I love the red one....really happy you are old enough that I didn't have to take you to the

  2. :) :) looks like fun! the middle pictures looks the dinosaurs were going to fight each other from across the room :) -J
