Sunday, January 29, 2012

Odd Creatures

I was recently invited to contribute to a new blog called
"Professor J. Fenious Peak's Fantastical Menagerie of Verification Creatures". The site has been up and running for about a week. The idea is to create sketches and illustrations inspired by the unusual "verification words" you see when you sign in to websites or leave a comment on someone's blog.

The big mosquito above is called a MORPEST. If you want to read all the stats on these and other oddities, go visit the site:

Below is an ALIKESOR...

...a few SHILEADI...

...and a VAIRKIN.


  1. Oh, I missed these too. Some neat stuff here. mom

  2. i've seen something like this on the 10 highway before entering the California border in Arizona. it looked like a stretched black plastic bag up the highway on the road and then it started slithering like a snake gain speed eventually we reached it and it was starting to fly up headed in the same direction as we were driving and then flew over us and we were doing 70 mph. Me and my brother kept a silence because we thought we lost our minds for a second. eventually we took a quick glance at each other and we both had this look like i just saw the craziest thing just now, so i ask, "you saw it too didn't you?" It was a hell of an experience. We were almost planning to turn around at that point to get pictures of it, but had driven off too far by then.
