Sunday, September 25, 2011

RUBY SHOES...Post-gig

Just thought I'd give a brief report on the gig last night at Danny's Bar and Grill. We were crammed onto a very tight little stage (which looked much bigger when it was empty). Didn't quite know what to expect with the turnout...started off small, but by the end of our set, there were at least 75 folks in there to hear us. Frankly, I think the band wished we could have played more than our Hour and a Half slot before the other band played at 11:30. We had to cut our playlist short, but as they say...leave 'em wanting more! We had a lot of fun, though, and it was good to get some exposure. Hopefully we'll get invited to play somewhere else soon.

If you facebook, do a search for "Ruby Shoes Band" for some more photos.

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