Saturday, April 16, 2011

Remembering Cathy

On Tuesday, it will have been one year since my wife, Cathy, died.

I've thought a lot about how much I should post on the matter. While I could probably fill a book with all that I have gone through, I think I will keep things simple. Many of you have written very thoughtful and caring messages to me. I really appreciate it...more than you can know.

I found this photo in a box this is from 1982. We had been married for only a couple of years, and were celebrating Cat's birthday at her favorite Japanese steak house. Those are the moments I want to remember. After nearly 30 wonderful years of marriage, I can truly say that Cathy changed me for the better. Thanks for your prayers, as my family continues on.


  1. Cathy and you and the girls are in our thoughts out here in Maryland Warren. Love you guys!

  2. :) love you dad- ~J

  3. Love you Uncle Warren!!We took Landon and Cayden to the Library...Landon(15months old)walked up to a little girl hugged, patted her back gently and gave her a kiss...Everyone in the library was touched by his little early signs of finding love..I am thankful that my Aunt found her love in you...Have a blessed week!

  4. Your blog, even when sad, is always a pleasure to read.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity and life experiences. =)

  5. Should be feeling waves of love!!!
    Hugs, XO
