Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ruby Shoes and a Squirrel

What the...? You waited almost three weeks for THIS? Stay with me here...the goofy photo above will make a little sense in a minute.

Since my last post, I've been quite busy with some NON-ART activities. A few months ago, I was invited to join up with some friends of mine to play in a NEW DANCE BAND! It's called "Ruby Shoes", and I've been having a blast!

Last Saturday (Feb. 26), we played our first gig at the Sheraton Hotel Convention Center in Overland Park, KS. When it was done, the events manager liked us so much, she placed us on the hotel's "preferred vendors" list for folks to call if they want live entertainment!! So we're pretty dang excited!!

Below is a group photo. I've never been in a "real" band before (though I do play in church worship bands), so this whole thing is new to me. From left to right RUBY SHOES are: Rick Thaemert (Drums and Vocals), Warren Ludwig (Percussion and Vocals), Ken Sawatzky (Guitar), Wendy Godfrey (Lead Vocals), Wendy's brother Tim Godfrey (Keyboards), and Eric Rivadeneira (Bass and Vocals).

Below are the only photos from the gig that I have for now...more will be coming. You can see my nice red congas, and the stage set-up before we played (Thanks, Tim, for the photo from your phone). If you are on FACEBOOK, a brand new page was loaded today that let's you follow our adventures...just search for "Ruby Shoes Band".

Which brings me to the stupid part about the squirrel...

I've got one in my attic, and it's driving me crazy. I had some gutter repairs done last Thursday, and evidently the little bugger got caught upstairs. Yesterday, I set traps, so that I can try to relocate him (or's one of a pair, I'm afraid.) I'm hoping the tasty little peanut butter-birdseed balls that I trailed up to the traps will entice it in. A couple have been eaten so far, so I know the squirrel has found them. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, or I'll have to call the Pest Control Guy. Sigh.


  1. Glad there's a female in the group to keep you guys in check. Guess I'll have to rejoin Facebook. mom

  2. Hmmm...squirrels:

  3. Fun obstacle course! Too bad they chew up rafters in houses. Thanks, Drax!!

  4. You trap a poor helpless creature in your attic, and then complain about it?! Boy, you're something else...


  5. Dear Nephew Chris...

    May I point out that the "Gutter Guy" trapped that squirrel up there! I have yet to accomplish the goal of "capture and release".

    I would be inclined to list other options I have in mind for that squirrel, but it upsets my daughter, Jenni. So...the humane "waiting game" continues with the useless traps.
