Saturday, October 2, 2010

SKETCHBOOK - "Renaissance Festival"

Had a lot of fun today at the Kansas City Ren-Fest! Took my daughter, Courtney, and her boyfriend, Andrew. The weather was gorgeous (although a little on the windy side). The last time I had gone out there was almost 30 years ago. They've really expanded it, and I was quite impressed. Instead of a camera, I decided to take my sketchbook along. After about 5 hours out there, I was surprised at how few drawings I ended up with. The costumes were great...but hard to sketch, because the folks were on the move most of the time. Just so many interesting things to look at.

Above is the back side of the main entrance...minus all the throngs of people as they came through the gates. Below... a pirate with a mechanical fake monkey on his shoulder.

Next... a bald, rotund fire-eater, in a cute little kilt...well...a rather large kilt, actually.
Here's another bald guy...this time a very tall, hairy juggler who was terrible at juggling, but hilarious with the comedy.

Finally...a couple of gentlemen playing duets on very long trumpets.
All in all...a terrific day. Will have to go again next year and draw some more!


  1. Great trip. Super sketches. Had to do those fast to have time to do any at all and still see everything. I remember well when you took us. Has it really been 30 years? mom

  2. Glad you remember well...I'd forgotten that we took you and Dad out there. It was probably before we had kids, so maybe it was "only" 28 years ago since last I went!

  3. You didn't buy a gigantic dill pickle from the leper?

  4. Actually, this year, the only leper I saw out there was just offering hugs. She seemed friendly enough, but I declined.

    I couldn't help but think, my sea-farin' nephew, that we'd have a terrific act as a singing duo...need I say it..."The Cheesy Pirates". You could play guitar, and I'd accompany on drum. We could just make fun of passers-by, and seriously rake in the doubloons!
    -Uncle W.

  5. Loved the sketches, Warren - one of my favorite subjects! The hairy juggler is John Mallery. His son went to grade school with Lacy and John would also come to our school carnivals to entertain. His wife and kids also participate in his show - an annual family affair and great fun to watch between turkey legs!

  6. Oops...that was from Cheri!

  7. Ha! Now you are not "Anonymous" anymore! Funny that you know that juggler. His wife and little doggy were in the show, too. I'm guessing she's a very patient woman!! (The dog just seemed generally bored to be there.)
