Sunday, October 24, 2010

AUTOMATA - "DiggerBot" Pt.8

The detailing is done...all ready for the paint job! But that'll have to wait for next time. Let's take a look at the final additions.

I made the "tank tracks" from lots and lots of pieces of cut bass-wood, and stuck them on with wood glue. I also added some more little "wheels" on the sides. I also added some support "hydraulics" for the main digger arms.

Next came the rivets. I used a small hole punch on some "peel and stick" foam rubber. Then came the "fun" of meticulously placing each one on the Bot with tiny pliers. Some of the sticky-back stuff wasn't holding, so I had to dip some of the rivets in super-glue, then stuck them on. The black foam won't stay that will all be painted over.

Here's the back view of the boiler, and of the front grill. Once I had all the rivets in place, I painted everything with wood glue, to give a harder surface to the spongy soft foam. It also unifies the surfaces, and gives some "aging" texture to the very smooth wood.

Now comes an experiment that sort of worked...but was a huge mess. To create some lightweight "dirt", I tried using an old blender to chop up some packing foam peanuts. The chopping part worked fine...the static cling made little bits of foam go everywhere and stick to everything! I had originally wanted to use a heavier weight, denser pink insulation foam, but did not have any. I took the little chunks, mixed them with wood glue, then applied them to the front of the base.

To complete the "dirt" effect, I added sand to gesso, then painted all of the ground surfaces, as well as coating the chunks of styrofoam.

The gesso-sand helps pull everything together. Once it's painted, it will look just like real dirt!

One more shot of the back view.

On a side note...just letting you know that it will be a while before I can finish the final paint job. Next weekend, my brother is coming for a visit so that we can go see the Roger Waters Concert in Kansas City on Oct. 30th! They will be playing Pink Floyd's "The Wall", and the reviews have been awesome!


  1. Now I understand why your Dad used to look at my art work and walk away shaking his head. I marvel at your creativity, and I can only shake my head! Great work. Sorry it will be a longer wait than we'd like, but I can hardly wait for you to paint him. mom

  2. Wow, this is getting quite detailed and intricate! Looking forward to seeing it painted.
    Enjoy the concert!

  3. Looks fantastic!! I too can't wait to see it painted!
    Do you every use weathering powders when you do machinery?

  4. Glad you folks are curious about how this project will look all painted up. Me too! I might have to do a few color tests in Photoshop, to decide which direction to go. I love the golden yellows of today's construction equipment, but I'm leaning more towards the old "rust bucket" reds and blacks of the Steam Era.

    And familiar with "weathering powders". Though, I should ask some women about them...the make-up departments are full of that stuff!! (rim shot).

    Okay, cheap jokes aside...what do "weathering powders" do?

  5. Women and weathering powders...never used in the same sentence! So not good!!!!

  6. They add dirt, grime and rust in a realistic effect. You would paint it all perfect and new then add the powders by brush (yes it looks like a makeup brush!) or add water and paint it on then you have to seal it with spray because it stays chalky. I'm no good at it myself. But there are some very impressive military models done with it!

    Oh! Found a great article!
