Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Yosemite and Lake Tahoe" Pt.2

I'm taking a break from working on my "Digger Bot" project this week. I am enjoying a visit from my Mother-in-Law, and will be spending time with family. So I thought I'd share a few more images from my recent trip out to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite National Park. Some of them are composite panaramas that combine several shots. Hope you can make a trip out just don't do it justice. The first few are of Yosemite.

Jen was on this trail to show us the tents where she and Brad lived when they worked summers at Yosemite. Moments after this, we met "Ranger Charlie" who let us know that we'd be fined $1,500 if we continued up that trail, since it was closed due to rock fall in the camp. It would have been nice if there had been any signs telling us that first!

Leaving Yosmite...

Here's an industrious young fellow creating a pile of rocks at Tanaya Lake. These are similar to markers called "cairns" in the world of climbers and hikers...they indicate direction of a trail in a treeless area (thanks to Brad for that little bit of info).

This is a composite of Mono Lake in California...very high in alkaline and mineral salts.

A dried up hot spring source, in Sierra Nevada.
And this little trickle is the new source.

The valley view as we got closer to Lake Tahoe...

A very windy and cold day at Lake Tahoe...a bit too much to fully enjoy the song Brad played for Jen and I on the mandolin. But we both appreciated his efforts!

Here's my one and only trip to a casino. This little horse race game is a favorite of Jen and Brad's. Brad won $6 that night!! I had way more fun later that evening at an "all you can eat" sushi restaurant.

And speaking of's Las Vegas!! (from the airport anyway...)
That's it for this trip!


  1. You really saw a lot in your short trip. Thanks for sharing more of it with us. Didn't know Brad plays mandolin. Have you tried lately? mom

  2. I can't play anymore...'cause I gave my mandolin to Brad! He had been talking about wanting to learn, and when everyone was in town for Cat's memorial service, I decided to let Brad have mine. He's really made some progress in the short time he's been teaching himself to play.

  3. Someday you'll inherit my baritone uke that I never learned to play, so all is not lost! mom

  4. Great photos of a beautiful place on earth! So glad you were able to see so much...Vegas, even!!

  5. Just fyi - Charlie was not a ranger...had he been I'm sure we would have gotten fined. But like I said before we would have fought them!! haha :) He was just an employee passing by ruining our fun! :) Great pictures Dad!

  6. I guess I was just intimidated by "Employee Charlie's" green park uniform. :)

  7. You would have 'fought' them? Like Crouching Tiger fight? Those are some pretty big trees... I don't think your kung-fu is good enough to fly up into those. Now if it was bamboo, then I could see a fight scene taking place, but those trees?
    I'm thinking 50-50 chance you would have taken the wannabe park ranger.
    Unless of course Brad was wearing his Asics with the burnt orange stripes.

  8. Christopher- You have no idea of my abilities! I lived there for a summer and practiced every morning and night....have a little faith in me!
