Thursday, July 29, 2010

SKETCHBOOK - "Dinos in The City"

It's been a while since I've taken my sketchbook out. Tonight after work, I decided to break in a brand new 8"x10" sized book...a bit larger than I usually use. What better subject matter than some dinosaurs at Union Station!

For several weeks now, I've been driving by a life-sized T-Rex on my way to work. There currently is a Special Exhibition on display, aptly called DINOSAURS UNEARTHED! Check out the link, if you want more information. I haven't seen the full exhibit yet, but it looks fun. I saw the big dude shown above when the sculpture was being set up. It was lowered from a huge crane, held dangling from straps...looked just like a scene from a Jurassic Park movie. Very surreal looking on a foggy day, too.

And talk about "surreal"...that was my experience when I relocated to the back of Union Station to sketch this Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus, if you're "old school").
As I'm about half-way done, a security guard comes up to me asking for I.D. I complied...kind of surprised that it was necessary. When he asked if I was a "professional", he said I'd need a permit next time. "A permit to just draw?!!" I asked, incredulously. Turns out, the guy was new to the job, and was just being a bit overly careful. Made some sense, when he said that professional photographers have to get permission to shoot there. It all turned out fine when a supervisor told him it wasn't a problem...artists come over there all the time from Hallmark. (One might be inclined to imagine an enthusiastic "Barney Fife" scenario...except that the guy was very polite, and wasn't all nervous and goofy.) So, in the end, we had a nice talk, I made a new friend, and am giving the Dino Exhibit some free publicity!


  1. Yea, you're back! Sketches look great. Do you like your new larger tablet? A 5 x8 is about as large as I want to sketch in for now. i really love the Union Station too. You might try that sometimes minus the large friends...The watercolor seems to absorb more into this new paper. Are you liking that? Mom

  2. I might go back to the station sometime...but I'll have to clear it with security first... ha!

    The new sketchbook paper is a really nice, heavy weight stock...a smooth surface that takes the pen lines well. But as for adding washes...not very compatible. It gets "pulpy" really fast, leaving little balls of paper in the very wet areas. But I do like the bigger size...especially if I have more time to draw lots of detail.

  3. Drawing without a permit? What were you thinking?

  4. Hey, Ramon! What can I say? I like living on the edge. Promise me you'll come visit me when I end up in the slammer.

  5. Ha ha about the security! At least they turned out to be nice, eh?

    Cool dinos in the city! I've always liked the incongruity of pictures of large wildlife in human landscapes. In some ways, the larger or more exotic the wildlife and the more urban the city the better.

  6. Try superimposing(however you artists to that) your flying monkeys in the sketches...too good!
    Snacks for the dinos...
    XO Lin
