Friday, May 14, 2010

SKETCHBOOK - "Random Drawings"

Life has been rather challenging these last three weeks, trying to adjust to my new life without my wife, Cat. But I want to keep posting some things, even if they aren't current. Here are a few images from semi-recent days. The page above was on my birthday in April, while waiting to pick up my daughter from the airport.

This next sketch was done while waiting in the parking lot for an appointment. Below was a big palm tree at Kauffman Garden, where Cat and I would often go...this sketch was from our last trip there together.

I'm hoping to have a few new paintings to show over the next month or so. In honor of Cat, I decided to participate in a Plein Aire painting event at the Arboretum of Overland Park, KS. I haven't painted outside in a couple of years now, so I'll be a bit rusty. But it will be good for me. Here's a link to the site: STEMS Plein Aire Paint 2010


  1. Awesome Warren. Make sure you take pictures of your painting! I thought of you this past weekend as there were painters everywhere you went here on Solomons. I was trying to cut grass over at the Inn and as I finished a woman was setting up right in the grassy lane heading down to the pier... I wanted to bust my phone out and show her the picture of the painting you did of the same scene but figured she'd get nervous if she saw how good your rendition was :)
    Tell your mom and brother the Tomato plants are coming fine. Just got some much needed rain today. Talk at you soon.

  2. Thanks, Christopher...I plan on taking a camera with me when I do our Plein Aire event out here. I'm glad you didn't "bust out your phone" and show that lady my wouldn't have been fair. I worked on that piece in the studio, over several days, with photo reference. The plein aire thing is trickier when you have to paint it on the spot!!
