Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PAINTINGS - "STEMS Plein Air" Pt.1

Here are the first paintings I've finished for the STEMS Plein Air Paint 2010 event that started this last Friday night. Above is one that I completed this evening after work. I'm showing these in reverse order...these early attempts are helping me get the cobwebs off of my painting arm. Not sure I'm liking any of them very much, but we've got a couple more weeks of painting time before the deadline. This yellow tractor and threshing machine are at the Deeana Rose Petting Zoo and Farmstead.

I did a different view of the same one below on Sunday morning...the sky was overcast the whole time, so I wasn't as happy with the lack of strong lights and shadows.

Below is my first painting of the event...we had a "Sunset Paintoff". The report I heard was that there were about 100 artists participating this year. It's been good for me to get out, do something creative, and hang out with a bunch of new people.


  1. I really like the style you're working in. Nice strong brush work. Paint application looks great because of it.

    I think some punch of contrast in either direction for the background in the first would have kept the left side from flattening out.

    I really enjoy the first painting the most, likely because of the strong shadows you had to work with.

  2. Thanks for your comments, Grey...I totally agree with your observations about contrast. It's been about two years since I last painted outdoors...definitely rusty. Hopefully our weather will be better for the rest of the next two weeks. The rules say that we can't do any modifications back at the studio, in the "true spirit of plein air painting". That part is really hard, 'cause I see stuff I want to fix!!!

  3. I'm really quite envious of the event, I really would love to get involved with something like this in the future.

    Are there real time restrictions on the paintings or just paint until the day is finished?

    Hopefully you can get some real sunlight for your next set!

  4. Great are definitely in your element with the mechanical stuff. Am pleased for you to put yourself out there for this one. Go, man,

  5. Thanks, Mom...and I do love the mechanical stuff!!

    And Grey...we only had a time limit on the first sunset painting...about 2 hours, start to finish. Any other paintings, we can take as long as we want. I generally try for 2 hours or less on mine, since the light shifts so quickly. Plus I like the looser painting style, instead of picking at the details.

  6. First one is my favorite...but you know how good all of them are!!
    Love the way other artists critique and you are ok with it...
    Enjoy the rest of the week doing new and different paintings!!!

  7. Nice meeting you and your wife in Loose Park while I was painting over the weekend. Thanks for your comments. Thanks for sharing your blog with me – nice sketches and oil paintings!

    best, Tom Matt

  8. Tom...also nice to have met you! You do great work! Just need to clarify...that gal was a dear friend. My wife passed a way 2 and half years ago. But you couldn't know that...not a problem.

    Hope you really connect with the art scene here in Kansas City!!
