Thursday, October 15, 2009

Maryland Trip (pt.1)

Sorry to have been so long since my last post. My wife and I just got back into town late last night from a trip out to Maryland for a family wedding (Congrats, Chris and Angela!!). Afterward, we took a few days and stayed in Annapolis. I'll be posting more images later, but here's a sampling.

This was my favorite drawing of the trip. It's from Zahniger's Yachting Center in Solomons, where the Back Creek flows into the Patuxent River, then goes into the Chesapeake Bay. It's a short walk from where we stayed with Cat's Mom (and her sister Lin's family). This big boat was hanging in a sling-contraption and I had to draw it. Literally seconds after I finished the sketch, I hear this loud "beep-beep-beep" sound, and the whole thing starts moving towards me! Some guy is at the controls, turns the boat around, and drives off...ha!

That's it for now. More to come.

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