Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fence Project

I suppose that this little project was not one that I did "for fun", so technically it probably doesn't belong on this blog. But it does count as something I made. For the last two weeks, I've been working on the 9' long fence (counting some delays due to rain). I finished it this afteroon. We had to cut down a huge sweet gum tree on the side of the house last year and lost a lot of shade (and privacy...hence the fence). "Favorite part"...spending a whole weekend digging 2' deep post holes, cutting giant roots that were from that old tree.

Nothin' like a face full of cedar-sawdust on a hot sunny day!

Here's the finished project! Next phase...planting some new grass where none has ever survived under the tree...we've tried it for years...wish us luck!

The new view from our back porch. Thanks, Cat, for your helpful suggestions and all the photos.


  1. Mother is proud, son! Cat's supervision was excellent and it came out looking good. Sorry that it was necessary, but perhaps the tree you planted will give some softness and shade after a year or so. Mom

  2. We have some projects here in Southern Maryland that could use you both!
    Can't wait to see new plants growing, even grass next Spring when we come for a visit...

  3. nice dad! you did good- except for the water haha- sorry i had to

  4. That, sir, is one handsome fence!

  5. Thanks for your nice comments, everyone. But I feel compelled to say that I can't hold a candle to the skills that my talented brother, Kris, has for construction. I told my wife when I was done with the fence to remember one phrase..."hand of the artist". Which means..."yep, that part is crooked...nope,the woodscrews don't line up'll look better if you'd just stand waaaaay over there across the yard".
