Sunday, July 19, 2009

SKETCHBOOK: "Rock-Legends"

Cat and I had another fun day yesterday. We were out and about so Cat could work on an assignment for a photography class she's taking. We went to LEGENDS shopping center in Kansas City, Kansas and a really impressive band ("90 Minutes")was playing out by the fountains. I was quite entertained by the powerhouse bass player, and started sketching him (see below). After looking at some of the great photos Cat took, I was inspired to work on something else.

Above is an illustration I just finished a little while ago. It's a mixed-media collage/digital painting done from several photo elements that my wife Cat took, then I worked over in Photoshop and Painter. It was fun to team-up on a piece with her images.

Here's the lead singer, "Mole", and the bassist, "Tyson" at yesterday's concert.

Here's the sketch that started it all. I showed it to Tyson during their break...he liked it and wanted me to sent him a copy. So I will do that after this post.

After the concert, Cat and I went hot-air balloon chasing on the way home. She got some cool shots of them as we drove after them, pulling over to the side of the road several times for miles. To see one of the balloon photos on her blog (and a couple more of Tyson playing bass) HERE.

I sure like going on unplanned adventures with my sweet wife!


  1. Had a great day of fun with you. Can't wait till next weekend to see what comes our way!

  2. That guy was in Pomeroy! And I saw him at a wedding before...he's really good. I don't know if he still is in the band but I used to go to see them a lot back in the day hahah.

  3. Cat's comment made me it up, kids! Life is short, but very, very sweet if you make it so! Mom

  4. The digi-painting looks a lot like Johnny Myung from Dream Theatre.

    Great site, ps. I came across it via quickhidehere... you commented on one of Justin's steampunk wizard of oz.
