Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day, Dads!

Today is somewhat bitter-sweet for's the first Father's Day I've ever had without my Dad (since he passed away in March). I just got back from my Mom's yesterday, after spending a few days helping her clean up my Dad's tool room (Big thanks, Kris and Debra!). We found all kinds of really interesting antique tools that we didn't even know Dad had stashed away all these years. My favorite is the one shown here...a #45 Stanley Combination Planer from the early 1900's that belonged to my Dad's Uncle Jim. I love all the knobs and movable parts. Thanks for the Father's Day presents, Mr. Shorty...I'll take good care of 'em for ya! And thanks, Mom, for sharing the "treasures".

Finally, I just want to say how proud I am to be the father of my two daughters, Jenni and Courtney...and thanks to my sweet wife Cat for making my Father's Day possible for all these years. I love you ladies!!


  1. Many thanks, Warren, for all you did while you were down here in Arkansas. It was a great burden lifted to get the shop cleared out. And an unexpected treat to get the gate latch working. See, all of your playing works out in something practical once in awhile! I really am proud of my sons and appreciate them (you) more than either of you will ever know.....Mom
