Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to my NEW BLOG!

After encouragement from friends, I decided to create this site so I could share some of the things I've been working on in my "spare time". This blog will, for the most part, feature my "non-professional" work. For many of the pieces, I'll try to show the "making of " process I went through. I'll also be including images from my sketchbooks, some paintings I've done...pretty much anything that is "creative renewal" for me.

This site is currently under construction, so bookmark it, and come back later...I hope to have some "stuff" to show you soon!


  1. Just working some bugs out. Hope this comment actually shows up on the page.

  2. It did and I am tickled that you have started this. I get to see some of your work, but I am sure this will add more. Mom

  3. Congrats on your new blog!

  4. Hi Warren! I grew up with your art and illustrations, and I have always loved them. I can't wait to see more, especially of your automata--how cool! I thank my dad (or Barry, as you know him) for sending me this link!

  5. Nice Rhino! I really liked the crab. How a pic of your trebuchet!

