Thursday, March 19, 2009

PAINTINGS: "Neptune"

Another of my activities is "plein air" painting. My wife, Cat, and I enjoy "Art Days" together whenever we can arrange it. She's a photographer and we like to go to The Plaza in Kansas City to find interesting things. One of my favorite fountains is "King Neptune". I appreciate how His Highness always sits still for me while I paint!

This piece is 8"x6", oil on board.

This is 10"x8", oil on board.

On the day this photo was taken, a security guard came by to make sure I wasn't selling my wares without a permit! I assured him that I was just painting, and would be soon on my way. Nice to know our fair city is in such safe hands!

Sometimes, I'll just take my sketchbook instead of setting up all of my paint gear. I like to use brown paper with sepia pencils or a brush pen, then hit the highlights with a white Prismacolor pencil.


  1. Warren!!!! How did I never see those toys? I LOVE them as well as just about anything else you do! The crab is so cool. Hook it up to a coin operated motor and put it in the lobby at Joe's Crab Shack. Retirement Fund, that's all I'm sayin'.

  2. Hey, Mike...glad you like 'em. Actually, you are the MAIN MAN that got me on the "automata track"!!! You taught me how to work all those tools in the woodshop when we took that "robot workshop" together. I'm forever grateful.
